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Get Help

We do not provide direct services to survivors. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, call 911. For other support or services, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 to speak to an advocate in any language, or use our Directory of AAPI domestic violence agencies to locate a program near you.

National Hotlines and Directories

National Domestic Violence Hotline
800.799.7233 | Video phone 855.812.1001
Online chat available every day from 5:00am – 12:00am PST

National Human Trafficking Hotline (Polaris Project)
Text “BeFree” to 233733 (12:00pm – 8:00pm PST)

National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN)
Online chat available 24/7

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
800.273.8255 | Deaf and Hard of Hearing 800.799.4889
Online chat available 24/7

National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline
Text ‘”loveis” to 22422
Online chat available 24/7

StrongHearts Native Helpline
844.762.8483 (M-F 9am to 5:30pm CST)

International Hotlines and Directories

Pathways to Safety International: For Americans abroad (72hr response window) |

Hot Peach Pages: International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies

Global Modern Slavery Directory: Anti-trafficking organizations in over 145 countries

Advocates can contact consulates to get help for foreign nationals